Wind Turbines and Whale Fins

Green energy

wind generators

This view is becoming more common in many places and Texas is one of those places. Driving to south Texas coastal areas to visit one son we see them and more wind farms are going up. Visiting  my daughter who just moved to Utah we saw some large wind farms in north Texas as well as some in Utah. I am amazed at the size of the propellers and the tower on which they are mounted. Almost 16 percent of Texas energy comes from wind, almost catching up with coal. 

wind generator closeup

Wildlife Impact

Though I am happy to see this I do worry about the impact wind farms have on wildlife.  Birds and bats strike the huge blades. Roads leading to them, often located in rural, wildlife dense areas, change wildlife habitats.  Engineers and biologists are working on ideas to help mitigate these problems. One idea is installing them on farms or ranches, giving them another line of income while not taking over natural habitats. Others suggest moving the turbines offshore, though this raises similar concerns for marine life.  

Ask Nature

whale fin closeup

Some people are looking to nature for answers.  Humpback whale fins have bumps or tubercles along their edge.  These bumps give them more options for achieving the lift they need when moving through the water.  Using the whale fins as a model, some companies are testing a design that so far shows being able to achieve the same power output at almost half the wind speed.  Another idea uses the fluid dynamics of fish schools, placing vertical turbines close together so air passing from one turbine helps turn the next. These vertical designs allow for a greater number of turbines in a much smaller area. 

Maybe the best solution hasn’t been found yet, but that is what STEAM is all about. Exploring options, finding the things that work best, using science, technology and math to figure it all out. 

Here are some links for more information about wind turbines and biomimcry:

How do wind farms affect wildlife

Wind turbine blades inspired by humpback fins

Ask Nature – Biomimicry

old windmill with new wind mills
I apologize for the picture quality but couldn’t resist this combination of past and future.