Some book ideas for little builders
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Title: Dreaming Up
Author/Illustrator: Christy Hale Publisher: Lee & Low Book 1996 Age: 4-10 yrs old
I thought this was such a creative book. Each left page shows a child using different building materials to build constructions of their imagination while the right page shows real life buildings that are similar looking. Back matter describes each real life building and architect. I could see kids spending time pouring over the pictures and comparing.
Title: Someone Builds the Dream
Author: Lisa Wheeler Illustrator: Lauren Long Publisher: Rocky Pond Books 2021 Age: 3-6 years
I was so happy when I read this book. Architects and engineers are so important, but so are the ones that carry out those designs and plans. Using rhyming text and colorful illustrations that draw you in, the book honors those that build everything from bridges to amusement parks to making books. An essential to read in an elementary classroom at some point, maybe when studying community members.
Title: Concrete: From the Ground Up
Author: Larissa Thuele Illustrator: Steve Light Publisher: Candlewick 2022 Age: Gr 1-5
We need more books like this one. So many skills like building and pouring concrete are not practiced by nearly as many people as in past years. We see a lot of books about where our food comes from and its great to see a book that addresses another part of life that children may not have a lot of knowledge about its origination. Pretty much anything you would want to know about concrete with entertaining , enlightening and sometimes humorous illustrations. Would definitely be a book that would appeal to the younger end of the age recommendation but kids would go back to as they get older.
Title: How Was That Built?
Author: Roma Agrawal Illustrator Kate Hickey Publisher: Bloomsbury Children’s Books 2022 Age: 6-9 years
As the cover shows, some of the most famous structures in the world are described, along with the process of construction and ways that engineers and architects had to work out problems. Great read for any kid interested in building, construction or how things work.